The truth is: the natural world is changing. And we are totally dependent on that world. It provides our food, water and air. It is the most precious thing we have and we need to defend it.

Sir David Attenborough

My mission is to use my art for the environment

I donate 50% of sales to the Canadian environmental organizations listed here, and I invite you to select which one will receive the donation from your purchase.

I hope you find a painting that resonates with you, and that you’ll enjoy it even more knowing that your purchase supports the protection of our natural world. To purchase or ask me a question, please see the Contact page.

You can see photographs of the scenery that inspires me in the slide show below.

Environmental Organizations

Pacific Salmon Foundation is engaged in multiple projects to protect West Coast salmon from the effects of climate change in participation with First Nations.

Georgia Strait Alliance protects and restores the Georgia Strait, its adjoining waters, and communities, with a focus on saving the southern resident killer whale (orcas) and Pacific salmon.

Nature BC The Nature Trust of British Columbia is dedicated to conserving BC’s biological diversity through securement and management of ecologically significant lands. Since 1971 it has acquired more than 500 conservation properties in British Columbia.

Raincoast Conservation Foundation uses science and research to safeguard coastal BC, focusing on maintaining healthy waterways, ocean, rainforest, coastal forests, wolves, salmon and whales.

West Coast Environmental Law Association is dedicated to safeguarding the environment by helping develop proactive legal solutions to protect and sustain the environment.